N.A.P.A. Mill Pond Trading Post 2024 Vendor Guidelines

N.A.P.A. Mill Pond Trading Post vendors are required to read and agree to the following guidelines and complete the following inventory form and bring to the show with any items that are for sale.

2024 N.A.P.A. Mill Pond Trading Post Vendor Guidelines & Inventory Sheet
(Please complete and bring with you to the show)

N.A.P.A. Mill Pond Trading Post 2024 Vendor Guidelines

1. N.A.P.A. offers to display and sell your sale items, however we do not negotiate for you.

2. All items must be coded with your assigned Vendor number and be priced by you using official NAPA price tags. Only NAPA tags are to be used (cost: 10 cents/tag) to the vendor.

3. Prices of all items to be full dollar denominations (eg. $5.00, $10.00, etc.)

4. Small items of value less than $1.00 must be combined into lots to equal the dollar value.

5. N.A.P.A. will retain a 10% selling fee to a maximum of $100.00 per item.

6. N.A.P.A. will endeavor to provide "safe keeping" for your items. However, you display them at your own risk - N.A.P.A. is NOT responsible for the security of your items.

7. Protection of sale items in case of inclement weather is the responsibility of the Vendor.

8. Each Vendor must complete a legible Mill Pond Trading Post Inventory list as provided by N.A.P.A. prior to any transactions.

9. The Mill Pond Trading Post will open at 10:00AM on the First Day of the show and then during regular show hours for the remaining days. All Vendors are encouraged to set up before the Mill Pond Trading Post opens. N.A.P.A. will provide durable price tags.

10. All unsold items are to be removed by the end of the last day, unless special arrangements are made with Mill Pond Trading Post personnel. Items left will be disposed of by N.A.P.A. as they see fit.

11. N.A.P.A. will NOT be responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items.

12. Please use a waterproof Sharpie marker to price and identify your items.

13. As a Vendor, it is your responsibility to come to the Trading Post Office at the end of the show to settle up your finances. Please see either Lauren or Derek. Larger accounts (for those with hundreds of items) will be settled at a mutually agreed upon date and time.

Mill Pond Trading Post Personnel:

* Lauren Fretz 289-686-2002
* Derek Fretz 905-834-3083
Nick Fitzgerald 289-668-2201
Brad Fretz 905-973-8332

* Main contact for Trading Post operations and setup.

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